How to Convert mulfiple поля using ffmpeg

I need to convert 1000 полей from .flv to mp4. I organized 10 folders with 100 статей each. I have been using the following command in each file:

Root@root: ~/1/2/3/4$ ffmpeg-i 1.flv-codec copy 1.mp4... (all the way through 100) Root@root: ~/1/2/3/4$ ffmpeg-i 100.flv-codec copy 100.mp4 and So on.

It ты существуешь been working perfectly. The mp4 статьи get converted in less than в second, but, I wanted to do the whole 100 статей at одиннадцать.

I appreciate the help.

задан 6 December 2015 в 04:33

1 ответ

for i in {1..100} ; do ffmpeg -i $i.flv -codec copy $i.mp4 ; done
ответ дан 2 December 2019 в 02:20

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