How to prevent full-screen applications from minimizing when clicking on в different монитор?

I am relatively new to Ubuntu, and I still have much to learn. However, I am completely new to мульти-монитор setups on any platform.

I have two monitors, в 1440x900 acting эксперт my main монитор and в 1024x768 to the left of the монитор; I am using the GTX 960 GPU. Whenever I start в full-screen application or game, for instance CS:GO, and have it running full-screen on my main монитор, upon clicking on the smaller монитор вызови the game to minimize, эксперт well эксперт default the mousВs position the center of the main монитор.

Is there anyway to я вынудил the application to remain fullscreen, without running it in full-screen windowed, when performing tasks in another монитор?

задан 1 January 2016 в 21:54

1 ответ

Добавьте следующую строку:


к /etc/environment и перезагрузка.

ответ дан 1 December 2019 в 17:00

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