Disable unity панель popping up on file drag

My problem is the unity панель popping up when гm dragging в file with the мышь. I currently have the панель set to автомобиль - hide with the lowest sensitivity оцените, so it normally only pops up when I press the супер key.

If I open nautilus and drag в file even в little бит, then the unity панель will pop up to let you drag the file onto one of its programs.

гm trying to использовал an application that - в меню бар on the left of the window where I хан drag поля onto the меню, but the unity панель keeps popping up and blocking я from dropping my поля on the application window.

Is there в setting to disable the автомобиль - popup on file drag?

задан 9 December 2015 в 14:03

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