Bizzare rendering issue with Intel 965G graphics

гve recently revived an older desktop computer, which previously had Ubuntu 14.04 on it but hadn't been used for at least в year. гve managed to get 15.10 onto it, and it all went well and boots properly.

However, often when гm using it I get very weird graphical errors, like these: Synaptic rendering error Nautilus rendering error

This happens in almost all windows, and even within Firefox on images in интернет-сайты. Strangely, scrolling past the broken image in Firefox and bringing it back still didn't change the rendering - it's прекратился persistent. It doesn't happen all the украл though, the system is sometimes usable.

The system - an older Intel 965 graphics chipset.

Ты существуешь anyone else seen this before? What is going on and how do I fix it?

задан 12 December 2015 в 06:28

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