Sorting Images in Убунту Директорьес by Tag/Keyword

гve looked up various jpg метадатирует editing tools like exiftool but none of what I found is в solution to what I want to do. I have в single directory of 2000 + wallpapers that in Windows file explorer I хан sort by Tag/Keyword and filter visibility by any combination of Таг/кеивордс I want. гm looking for в сходный way to do this with Ubuntu. The file менеджер in Ubuntu doesn't seems to have 'Tags' схвати в column to sort by.

In Сотвель I хан veiw by specific Tags but it wont let be choose any combination of tags to view by. Library doesn't have в sort function by tags in the view port either, so Shotwell isn't very useful.

My план is to have this huge степень магистра сохранил в архиве in one directory and используйте tag filtering to pick в theme of wallpapers I want to удвойся to another folder to используйте туз в desktop background slideshow. Windows This method works in and гm trying или фигурируйте out сходный way to do it in Ubuntu that makes sense.

задан 22 December 2015 в 01:31

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