Ubuntu 15.10 не longer starting on Мак

I had successfully installed ubuntu 15.10 on my macbook. After installing several additional packages I restarted several укради without problems.

However after the most recent restart the laptop won't boot. It gets схвати far туз grub, but that's it.

From grub I хан identify my root folder эксперт (hd1,gpt2) but cannot get it to boot.

I still have the USB stick I made the оригинал installation with, so thought I would использовал that to boot. However that also gets stuck after the grub screen, which seems strange.

Any thoughts on how to get either to boot so I хан fix whatever the problem is?

Update: I let grub run through its 30 second автомобиль startup and that seemed to work. Havent had any problems since. Can't explain why it worked however!

задан 5 November 2015 в 13:34

1 ответ

Привет там кажитесь, что Ваша личинка могла бы быть повреждена поэтому для фиксации ее, проверяют это учебное руководство, которому могло бы помочь , Как Восстановить, Восстановить или Переустановить личинку

ответ дан 28 July 2019 в 09:47

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