Python NameError: глобальное имя «разрешение» не определено

Я работаю над разработкой приложения python для Ubuntu, которое позволяет пользователю иметь желаемое разрешение без необходимости использования графических драйверов. Для этого я использовал xrandr. Однако я столкнулся с проблемой, несмотря на поиск других с аналогичными проблемами и попытку исправления. Вот мой код (я новичок в Python, это мое первое приложение, поэтому код, вероятно, будет очень грязным и неэффективным для других), мне также нужно переместить часть кода, но, надеюсь, это можно прочитать): [!d0 ] #!/usr/bin/python import gtk, sys import os, commands # enables us to use xrandr class ResolutionX(gtk.Window): # create an instance of ResolutionX def __init__(self): # constructor super(ResolutionX, self).__init__() # set the default window values self.set_title("ResolutionX") self.set_size_request(600, 200) self.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER) fix = gtk.Fixed() # resolution combo box ResComboB = gtk.combo_box_new_text() ResComboB.append_text('1024 x 768') ResComboB.append_text('1280 x 960') ResComboB.append_text('1366 x 768') ResComboB.append_text('1280 x 1024') ResComboB.append_text('1440 x 900') ResComboB.append_text('1440 x 960') ResComboB.append_text('1440 x 1080') ResComboB.append_text('1600 x 1200') ResComboB.append_text('1920 x 1080') ResComboB.append_text('1920 x 1200') ResComboB.set_active(0) ResComboB.connect("changed", ResComboB_changed) label = gtk.Label("Resolution:") # apply button applyBtn = gtk.Button("Apply") applyBtn.set_size_request(110, 29) applyBtn.connect("clicked", applyBtn_on_clicked) # add widgets to the main window fix.put(ResComboB, 98, 78) fix.put(label, 30, 85) fix.put(applyBtn, 470, 78) self.add(fix) self.connect("destroy", gtk.main_quit) self.show_all() def ResComboB_changed(ResComboB): string = ResComboB.get_active_text() stringRes = string.replace("x", "") echo = "echo " stringConfig = os.popen("cvt " + stringRes).readlines() # TODO: create a hidden directory in /home folder # create the file [] fWrite = open('', 'w') # write the xrandr configuration into the file so we can edit it print >> fWrite, stringConfig fWrite.close() fRead = open('', 'r') # TODO: remove last 4 characters from readString // DONE # get input from [] and edit according to the choice of resolution if (string=="1024 x 768"): for line in fRead: storedString = line readString = storedString[83:] readString = readString[:76] print readString # verification resolution = readString[:16] if (string=="1366 x 768"): for line in fRead: storedString = line readString = storedString[76:] readString = readString[:76] print readString # verification resolution = readString[:16] if (string=="1280 x 960") or (string=="1440 x 900"): for line in fRead: storedString = line readString = storedString[84:] readString = readString[:77] print readString # verification resolution = readString[:16] if (string=="1440 x 960"): for line in fRead: storedString = line readString = storedString[77:] readString = readString[:76] print readString # verification resolution = readString[:16] if (string=="1280 x 1024") or (string=="1440 x 1080") or (string=="1600 x 1200") or (string=="1920 x 1080") or (string=="1920 x 1200"): for line in fRead: storedString = line readString = storedString[85:] readString = readString[:81] print readString # verification resolution = readString[:17] os.system("xrandr --newmode " + readString) fRead.close() def applyBtn_on_clicked(applyBtn): # detect and store monitor output type - eg. VGA1, DVI-0 monitorType = os.popen("xrandr | grep ' connected ' | awk '{ print$1 }'").readlines() fWrite = open('', 'w') print >> fWrite, monitorType fWrite.close() # get the input from [] fRead = open('', 'r') for line in fRead: CmonitorType = line fRead.close() # edit CmonitorType so we can use it CmonitorType = CmonitorType[2:] CmonitorType = CmonitorType[:7] print CmonitorType # verification os.system("xrandr --addmode " + CmonitorType + resolution) ResolutionX() gtk.main()

Я получаю эту ошибку: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 129, in applyBtn_on_clicked os.system("xrandr --addmode " + CmonitorType + resolution) NameError: global name 'resolution' is not defined

Как я могу решить эту проблему?

задан 26 April 2016 в 10:36

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