Problems copying music to Rhythmbox from ipod

I recently installed Ubuntu 14.04 and am working to setup Rhythmbox 3.0.2. I plugged in my ipod старший брат and the device was properly detected and the music in the device appeared. I then selected all the music from the device and attempted to copy it into my Мусик Либрари.

The ipod contains 908 songs (7.5 Великобритания) and Rhythmbox reported it would take 2 days and 22 hours 40 Minutes, so I decided to let it run overnight.

The next morning I checked my music folder using Поля and it contains 1,093 статьи (7.5 Великобритания восходит). The laptop май have отмените during the night due to в lack of activity (I since disabled suspending), but it looks like all the music was copied over from the device.

However, none of the music appears on the main screen when I click on the Мусик Либрари. TherВs не progress indicator so гm not sure if Rhythmbox is still processing the поля. The bottom of the screen still шоу 2 days, 22 hours, 40 minutes (не countdown). If I click play, Rhythmbox is able to play songs from the first folder located under the Music directory.

Is there в way to определил whether or not Rhythmbox is still processing the поля? Is there something I should select to refresh Rhythbox so it recognizes the newly imported songs. What should I do to allow the music copied over from the device to appear on the screen when I select the Мусик Либрари?

задан 5 December 2015 в 18:17

1 ответ

Я не опытный пользователь Rhythmbox каким-либо образом, но когда я настроил всю музыку на внешнем сервере, я выбрал "Импорт" в Rhythmbox и указал на сервер в поле "Select a location containing music to add to your library". Это хорошо работало.

Однако, так как Вы упоминаете на самом деле, что копировали музыкальное использование Rhythmbox, Ваш вариант использования может отличаться, так как я не знаю, как сделать это. Я только указал на ранее сохраненную музыку.

ответ дан 30 September 2019 в 02:11

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